Feedback from the progress crit we had this afternoon. I am happy with how it went, and feel it has focussed my direction more. In my group it was Ben, Emma, Jo, Liz and myself. I feel like it was a really good group, we were all perfectly comfortable talking through ideas and sharing our opinions. As there were only five of us instead of six we had to crit eachothers work on our own which made quite a difference but it was still very helpful.

Here are the sheets of feedback I received.

These are the notes I have gathered since the crit, going through all suggestions and comments in the feedback, this is a list of to do's and ideas. Split into the briefs I can see exactly what I still need to try and experiment with.

I have a lot of work to do, and looking forward to the next crit in two weeks time with the same group of people.

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