From when talking to Sofia Dean Freeman was one of the photographers that stood out that it was a good website, here are screenshots from the website.

First of all there is a splash page introducing the website, with words quickly flashing up, such as Cult, Photographer, and Publisher. It then changes to Dean Freeman and fades out.

Before clicking on anything, a slideshow of images appears immediately letting the viewer see his work and lets them know the type of work he does. Clear and effective.

The website is split into nine main categories.

Once clicked on one of the subheadings, it then comes up with the choice of thumbnails to chose from which then enlarges to the full screen. You can then slide along to view all images.

Dean Freeman Profile. Allows you to pick what you want, with ease. Like the use of the simple type. Clicked on Biography and it then comes up with this next page, which works well.

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