Really simplistic design of mapping, very illustrative and to the point. This is exactly how I started to think about doing my own map to represent where I would show the local sandwich shops nearby college.
I think it is very effective and works well, and I am going to have to explore further into how I should produce my map.

Not exactly mapping but designed by Craig Shuttlewood as well I think it is definitely an idea as to how you can show and represent information, something as simple as a Contents. Once again the design is very illustrative, something I want to push further within my work as I tend not to be too image based, but this style of drawing and lettering used is very effective and works really well together.

Shuttlewood's work really reminds me of Sara Fanelli, and have always liked her work. But for this piece I really like the the use of type, a bold serif typeface with a hand drawn look it is very effective with the casual change of colour for each word too, encompassed by this white space.

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