Alan Kitching
Printmaker, Alan Kitching, renowned for his letterpress has produced this piece for New Theatre. I love the quality produced from the print itself, the patches missing adds such a raw quality and definitely makes it more of an affective piece of design as opposed to if its was a solid print out. The design is trying to speak of 'new' and the transformation, this can be seen through the main body and its style but it is very different to the small heading of text at the top. The colours used are really effective and the exclamation clashes enough to make it stand out but still it goes incredibly well.

Another design by Kitching with more impressive letterpress, the repetition of each letter in a cycle of five different colours creates a really bold image. It is quite hard to read- certainly at a quick glance but the letters and how they overlap are there to give that sense of confusion and almost creates a pattern right through the centre, almost as if it were a spine.
I really like this design, and the way in which its been achieved.

Craig Ward

Quite unlike the print works, this has been constructed with cardboard boxes by Craig Ward for Computer Arts Project. Through a series of different shaped boxes, the number 50 has been made, and despite the idea of card boxes it does look quite elegant, positioned well and photographed. I'm not in photography too much, but the lighting used here is really effective.

James Taylor
I never produce graphics like this, but whenever I see lettering such as this I always wish I did. Bright and bold illustrative letters, with little to place them together- think it works really well.
Russell Weeekes

Very simple and to the point design, I like how clean cut it is. Working with the very familiar layout for the series of 'Letter is for...', been broken down by changing what we expect to happen. The font used for 'rebel', done in a scruffy handwritten way to extend what we see as a rebel works well for the overall desired effect. I really like how the lettering has been done, no block colours, but the shade has been added through line. 

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