Melvin Galapon

Both designs by Melvin Galapon are really quite similar, I really like how the type appears to be really quite simple but actually very detailed. The colour used within the piece, works really well with a different colour for each letter.
I think I prefer the DNA piece, and the effect given from the multiple colours being used to emphasise to show the different letters contrasting from the white letters and and white/cream background. 

Typography designed by Melvin Galapon, small stickers have been used to in order to use the negative background to create the type.
I really like how its been created and effect in which it has.
However I think it might be the colour that puts me off, the blue seems to make it look quite child like.

Marta Cerd

A very illustrative type letter A, by Marta Cerda. Celtic looking and very detailed and intricate lines, the use of just one colour works really well and creates a nice simplicity.
I would like to be able to improve skills such as this, as I never really do illustrative pieces like this.


Really interesting type- Learnt it, Know it, Love it by Ilovedust.  The use of line in background and foreground is very effective- almost as if it has a dirty background where you can see the diagonal lines forming patches.

The type is really thin and quite futuristic almost, the colour is very standout but works well with just the black lines of the design.

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