Print screens from the smoothie company website, really bright as it tries to  communicate the freshness of their main shop purpose as it were. The site is quite easy navigate through, and their is a section where you can view an online menu.

Online Menu-
It has been designed quite similarly to the main design of the website, but really doesn't seem to have substance to it, very bland and simple. Colour has been played about a little in the type of the menu, arranged so the colours within words seem to sandwich as it has its layers.

The Smoothie Company also have a menu, just like a leaflet within their shop which covers everything they sell in their, which was designed by a third year here. I really like it, and I think it is a lot better than the website/ online menu. The menu is in my sketchbook, and the layout from the leaflet is so much clearer and easier to read than the online menu. Just two colours plus stock, its kept simple and bold.

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